Most days I don't know where to begin, but I embrace it. It is when my mind is still and completely clear that my best thoughts and ideas flow. It is also during those times that I am able to understand the components I question. When something doesn't work, I'll play with it for a little bit - but then I get up, walk away and do something else. Then it comes to me. With allergy season in full effect it is a little bit harder to still my mind, as breathing and bellybutton to spine are the techniques I use to stay calm. I woke up angry today, and I changed my mood on my own. I thought about what I was irritated about. My baby was sick last night, and I was having the hardest time staying strong. It took a lot for me to finally cry. And to literally have a discussion with God and the Universe about why I must face the challenges in my life. Why did I decide to get divorced? Was the grass really greener on the other side? Having to nurture a sick child who is literally spew...