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What is Missing?

As I sit here with my perfect mocha-colored coffee in my Boss B*tch mug, catching up on emails from the previous week which I've spent networking and leveling up for my new career as a Public Speaker, I can't help but think how sad I am. I thought this would go away, but it feels like something is missing. Still recovering from my breakup, but it's not even about him. It's something deeper. I don't know what it is, and nothing drives me crazier than not knowing something. 

I walked my son to school this morning under the golden sun. I noticed how it kissed the green leaves of the trees and bushes. My son asked repeatedly why we had to walk, uninterested in my explanation about how nature heals us and walking is good for the body. I watched the other moms & dads drop off their kids and start their day. Everyone here is kind. Ironically, moving to a small town in the middle of nowhere after growing up in the suburbs, I find that I feel safe here. I really missed home last weed amidst the loudness and chitter chatter at the conference. 

I love people, and I love helping them, but why do I feel so lonely? What is missing?

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