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Goddess Aphrodite - Spell Casting

As a Womxn of many talents, I find that it's really challenging for me to pull an idea ball out of the sky and pick one to take action on. Fortunately, after yet another battle with an illness that I can't explain I've had a multitude of time to reflect on what I want during this lifetime. What I truly want. Of course, my first few days all I thought of was how sick and tired I am of remaining single. Then I got mad. It always happens this way for me, misery->rage->new level of enlightenment->blessing. My mission on earth is grand. I've known this for many years, since I was a child really. But, what I never understood - was why am I so attached to Love? True Romance, not the kind where you meet someone and eat turkey sandwiches together and go to basketball games. Get out of here. I'm talking True Love, Rose and Jack. 

I have spent countless hours listening to Hymn to the Sea over and over and over again. Crying into my wine glass. Staring aimlessly out my window. Wondering - where is he? Does he even exist? And the most prevalent question - who is he? I know he is out there, I just don't know who he is. And being an Intuitive Witch, knowing, inner knowing that he does exist, that I've known and loved him many lifetimes before, knowing he will find me, is EXHAUSTING. And the worst part, is whenever I do meet someone, they generally seem to have 8/10 qualities I want, but not the whole thing. And those 2 bullet points are important to me.

I finally decided to cast a spell this evening. It's been a while singe I've last casted, and I've felt very disconnected from My Magick after falling into the most miserable depression of my life this past winter. The spell I cast was to Goddess Aphrodite. I haven't worked with her yet, but I will tell you - she is one powerful woman. My spell was simple and easy, and after I invoked her I could feel her alluring, gentle, attractive energy. I felt it all around me. I went to the store to grab something and the cashier told me I was so amazing and wonderful! I see this same cashier about every other day, and this is the first time she's said anything like this. I have to say, if you are familiar with Aphrodite (google her if you're not), I'm sure you're aware of her many talents. For me, what I like the most is the quick energy shift. Feeling attractive, yet doing absolutely nothing. 

Goddess Aphrodite is one of my new favorites. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do.

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