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“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” – Aristotle

Everybody get excited because Mercury Retrograde starts tomorrow! I may be the only person I know who is excited about it. That's because I am wide awake. I know my future is going to shine brighter than I ever have. Today, I realized that I have changed my entire life. I am able to breathe, think one thought at a time, and focus. I am no longer afraid to learn in and out about Quantum Theory, the key to our future. Random thought but that alone made me think of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is going to affect us. As will the new internet. Most of you may know it as 5G. This internet, will be by far the best internet we have ever had (more technical discussion will by posted on my pro blog next week). And while it is going to be the best, it is our responsibility to manage it responsibly. I cannot stress enough that it is imperative that we remain in control of technology; we cannot let it control us, I won't.

I use technology wisely. I learned about one week ago at a high level the Law of Thermodynamics, energy, how we cannot deplete nor increase it. We are given a finite amount of it and it is our responsibility to channel it in the right place. It is my personal responsibility to remain committed and strive even further in my work as a Cybersecurity Consultant, I am no longer reducing my energy to only understand the top level of all workings. I am fully capable of understanding the most complex mathematics, and I don't need to be afraid of that. One thing I like about my way of thinking is that I really can understand the most difficult theories, and then explain them to someone else as if it's elementary teaching. This is not a disgrace, but rather my gifted ability to fine tune and deliver.

You get out what you put in.


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