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I am truly in awe of myself at this point and acknowledging my internal prominence. I am living my truth, and it feels like something I've never experienced in this lifetime. My post today is surrounding the idea of manifestation, and belief. I am well aware of manifestation and I've used this technique many times consciously and subconsciously. However, Belief was not so high on the list. In my previous role I struggled tremendously with confidence. I was really being underutilized as a consultant in the cybersecurity practice mainly because my geographic location prohibited my from thriving. With the under-utilization and the other internal struggles I had at the time I lost some of my confidence. When I went to meetings and lead presentations I sounded strong but on the inside I was scared. This was new to me, I've never been scared to do anything until then. I felt like a fraud, like I wasn't as good as my credentials say I am, and then I failed my CISSP. Something I studied all year for. I actually applied myself for the first time and did the work. It may sound confusing to you that I thrive in the IT Engineering/Architect field while I haven't actually done much work. This is my truth. My work comes easy to me, I understand it. With that, I don't always have to read the chapters. I am highly intuitive and able to read between the lines. The book that I mention below by Mark Divine actually channels the 'under-utilization' piece. I'm only a few pages in but I already feel empowered to tap into my internal resources and serve.

If you follow the Eagle that I have been seeing so much of, you might be interested in this information about Animal Symbolism and the eagle. "When an eagle appears, you are on notice to be courageous and stretch your limits. Do not accept the status quo, but rather reach higher and become more than you believe you are capable of. Look at things from a new, higher perspective. Be patient with the present; know that the future holds possibilities that you may not yet be able to see. You are about to take flight." Patience and present are my two strongholds.


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