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Equalizer Bars, Swiss Ball, Pilates

I was able to set aside a couple of hours today to really focus on my strength and cardio. I've been dealing with a tremendous amount of stress largely due to debts from my very expensive divorce and a 3 year old boy who refuses to sleep (for 10 days straight). It took a lot for me to practice the good habits I've developed over time in order to stay on track and just get there. Versus consuming crappy snacks and slowing myself down. I had a coffee at 230 and literally just put one foot in front of the other until I found myself in my home gym.

I become easily frustrated when my friends and/or family ask how I lost so much weight. So, I've decided as a personal outlet I could at the very least post it here, as it takes more of an explanation than saying "it melted off like butter."

The reality is that I lost 47 pounds in the year 2017 by making major changes to my lifestyle. Divorcing my husband, changing jobs, those were the big changes. However, I've come to learn that it is not the big changes that make us who we are, it is the smaller, every day habits that really define us. For example, everyone close to me knows about my ginger water, without it I am plagued. The hardest part about it is making it. Just like exercise, so much of it is in our heads. I've learned that the act of getting to the gym is actually much, much more difficult than the act of exercising.

I'll save the 'in our heads' talk for another discussion. But, for now I will touch on one of the most important life lessons of mine in 2018 - simply going through the motions in your daily life are not going to solve any problems, or change you. However, real change comes from solving the actual problem.


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