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Showing posts from September, 2019

What is it that you do best with the least amount of effort? - That's your gift.

This message really spoke to me today as I am still overcoming the summer hurdle of loss, disappointment, sadness, grief, nicotine, and alcohol. I had to go deep into the depths of my soul to really understand myself. A constant in my life; A question I always ask myself, "why am I so different than other people?" What is it that you do best with the least amount of effort? - That's your gift. A daily reminder to those of us that have found our gifts and for those who are still searching. I've run from my abilities for years, doing the bare minimum to get by. It kept landing me in high places, which I really did not understand because I never thought it was "hard." I have been convinced for years that something is seriously wrong with me. Personally my test taking anxiety - if you want to call it that, I think it's more of an argument, I am really good at convincing that all the answers are right and providing reasons why :) Why did I choose engine...