Honoring your truth is one of the most liberating and challenging thing you can do for yourself. Throughout this past summer I have struggled the most. Adversity has always been my strong suit. However, I've been hit with a massive amount of tumultuous affairs which require me to do nothing but face the music. I've had to face my fear. I know what terrifies me, and I keep it to myself, trying to find other ways to cope. The truth is - my truth is, that I love so much. I love all things, children, people, life, nature, luxury, material things, and more. With that love comes the challenge of being more sensitive than most people. I love my work, but I've been tempted to pursue opportunities that I knew in my heart weren't really what I wanted to do. So I've acted out of fear, allowing myself to pursue the opportunities hoping it would change my direction. And it did, but not in the way I imagined. It reminded me that I know deep within my heart that I was meant to do ...